Kilobyte Magazine 2019 – 3

  • discover
    The art of floppy disk sleeves: presenting the nicest disk covers
  • squeezing electrons
    Why you should keep up with Acorns little one – and whats makes it so special to code for
  • collecting craze
    An interview with a collection who might very well own the largest vintage computer collection in Latin America
  • the queen‘s footsteps
    Davide Bucci about his passion for 8-bit computers and his latest text adventure: The Queen‘s Footsteps
  • prepper os
    Why learning Z80 assembler might be valuable for rebuilding everything during the post-apocalypse – or so they say
  • tweet it
    Where all the cool kids get their retro updates: Why Twitter is worth exploring if you want to stay up-to-date in the retro community
  • one man and his banjo
    Talking with Banjo Guy Ollie about his passion for 8-bit tunes that he makes sound like they were folk music
  • cry me a valley
    Valley of Rains for the ZX Spectrum looks and plays fantastic
  • pedal to the metal
    New racing games for 8-bit hardware are sparse. But fans of pixelated racetracks may rejoice: Drift for the ZX Spectrum is a fabulous example of what can be done with the good old Sinclair

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Über Boris Kretzinger

Boris Kretzinger, Jahrgang 1981, lernte mit dem C64 Englisch und wurde vor dem Atari 2600 zum Joystickjockey. Seitdem schlägt sein Herz für 8-Bit und er sieht die Welt nur noch in sechzehn Farben.

Schau mal hier

Dauerausstellung: Videogames made in Japan

Videogames made in Japan: Eine Ausstellung über japanische Videospielgeschichte im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt.

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