Kilobyte Magazine 2020 – 2

  • discover
    The art of floppy disk sleeves: presenting the nicest disk covers
  • a mainframe for your shelf
    Why Nicolas Temese built a minature version of IBM’s 1401 mainframe.
  • minipet
    Tynemouth Software designed a replacement mainboard for your PET,
    even if you don‘t have one
  • golden boy
    Bitbitplus makes art out of old gaming hardware. Golden controllers
    are fitting for a golden era of gaming.
  • i got five on it
    How to build a new 8bit home computer with only five chips? That is exactly what the Amethyst is all about.
  • dawn of cracks
    Why is cracking new and old games for 8bit systems still a thing? What makes it fun? kilobyte magazine takes a closer look – not only at the C64 point of view.
  • magic puzzles
    Heroes against Demons wins the SMSPower competition 2020 and delivers a great puzzle game!
  • another brick in the wall
    Brick Rick is a nice arcade platformer reminiscent of Bubble Bobble.
  • what a blast!
    Zeta Wing by Sarah Jane Avory is a fast-paced vertical Shmup that delivers some great effects and entertaining gameplay ont he C64.
  • back in white
    How a snowboarding game rocks your MSX in 2020 any why this is a very welcome title that gamers on other platforms should want as well.

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Über Boris Kretzinger

Boris Kretzinger, Jahrgang 1981, lernte mit dem C64 Englisch und wurde vor dem Atari 2600 zum Joystickjockey. Seitdem schlägt sein Herz für 8-Bit und er sieht die Welt nur noch in sechzehn Farben.

Schau mal hier

Dauerausstellung: Videogames made in Japan

Videogames made in Japan: Eine Ausstellung über japanische Videospielgeschichte im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt.

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