Kilobyte Magazine 2018 – 2

  • discover

    The art of floppy disk sleeves: pre senting the nicest disk covers

  • interview

    The Power is back: An Interview with Andrzej Wisniewski who sells new power supplies for old Commodore computers

  • into sunset

    Their ideal was Activision, but „Games by Apollo“ burned his wings quickly

  • ai in 8bit

    Eliza, Turing and the limitations of artificial intelligence on 8bit machines – and why it‘s still fascinating

  • portrait

    mr. & mrs. atari. How a couple started collecting all things Atari, what it means to them and why it‘s all about this brand

  • joystick upgrades

    Long before the Booster Boy for the Nintendo Gameboy, there was more than enough equipment for the Atari CX40 joystick

  • priceless

    How did prices for vintage PCs do over the last ten years – and why you shouldn‘t was your time collecting them as an future inevestment

  • game on

    Games for C64, 7800, CPC & INTV

PDF (click)

Über Boris Kretzinger

Boris Kretzinger, Jahrgang 1981, lernte mit dem C64 Englisch und wurde vor dem Atari 2600 zum Joystickjockey. Seitdem schlägt sein Herz für 8-Bit und er sieht die Welt nur noch in sechzehn Farben.

Schau mal hier

Dauerausstellung: Videogames made in Japan

Videogames made in Japan: Eine Ausstellung über japanische Videospielgeschichte im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt.

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