- discover
The art of floppy disk sleeves: presenting the nicest disk covers - not so floppy
Combining art and gaming history, these wooden floppies look great - a new zealand story
Atari clone systems are pretty common – unless they are not: The SilverStar is quite rare and seems to be exclusive to New Zealand - happy collecting
Why collecting retro stuff feels so good and why it‘s almost addictive - still on tape
Where are new cassette players manufactured? - game on
- Hanse (C64)
- Alpharay (Plus/4)
- Mancave (C64)
- Run Demon Run (C64)
- Nebs ‘n Debs (NES)
- Mirco Mages (NES)
Schau mal hier
Dauerausstellung: Videogames made in Japan
Videogames made in Japan: Eine Ausstellung über japanische Videospielgeschichte im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt.